In Lembang, Bandung, there is a vacation destination that is unique and exciting. Floating Market Lembang, thus the name of this tourist spot, has a unique characteristic that is approximately the same as what was in Banjarmasin with market flotation or in the country of Thailand with the term Floating Market.
In fact, Floating Market Lembang touted much more interesting because in addition to the unique floating market, there are also spots of other interesting activities that should not be missed.
West Java region is rich in natural attractions and entertainment destination. Places of interest ranging from Ciwalk Bandung, Bogor Botanical Gardens, Trans Studio Bandung to Ciwidey and Pangandaran Beach is a small part of the various attractions in the westernmost province of Java Island.
Floating Market Lembang with the concept resembles a floating market in Banjarmasin offers the beauty of nature at the same time with culinary treats high taste menu. All are wrapped in the concept of a floating market unique and interesting.
Floating Market Area was established since December 2012 last. It did not take long for one of the sights of this Lembang to draw the attention of the audience of the trip. Only in less than 3 years, Floating Market Lembang, Bandung has been popular throughout the country and even to foreign countries. It is shown from the statistical data of tourist arrivals, which continues to chart the rise every year.
Floating Market Lembang unique characteristic combined with a variety of modern facilities and exciting rides are the main reasons behind the number of tourists who visit it is always crowded.
To be able to get into the tourist areas, you only need to pay the price of admission Floating Market Lembang is fairly inexpensive, enough to Rp 10,000 per person. This does not include the parking fee of Rp 5 thousand. But there are unique, car parking ticket you can exchange with lemon tea, choco latte or latte coffe in Lembang's Floating Market.
Various rides at Floating Market Lembang
In priority, Floating Market Lembang, Bandung presents three main themes, namely the area of play, learn, and culinary. Of course the concept of outdoor unlike some other tourist attractions in Bandung.
Although the main use of the concept of Floating Market, but you can still find another vehicle that is not less interesting, for example call it Goose Park and Park directly Rabbit where you can introduce the animals to children.
Interestingly, in this rabbit park you can even feed the rabbits funny that was deliberately allowed to roam free.
In addition to Park Geese and Rabbit Park, in the tourist area of Lembang Floating Market, you can see the unique village with typical rural atmosphere Leuit natural, like expanse of rice fields, orchards, and organic vegetable and strawberry plants. In this garden, you can pick the fruit at will and enjoy it on the spot.
Besides Kampung Leuit with typical palm roof complete with green rice field, for those who have a hobby of fishing are also available eel fishing arena.
Culinary and Souvenirs at Floating Market Lembang
Floating Market Lembang also presents local culinary menu offerings. Various menu of snacks and culinary variety, such as dumplings, Seblak, Martabak Mini, Duren Bakar, Tahu Lembang, until Ketan Fuel available in full in there.
Do not forget the food category of "heavy", as Fish Grill, Fish Fry, Sate, Soto, and foods were also staying chitterlings you choose. Additionally, you will also easily find unique culinary food and culinary Bandung other areas in the archipelago.
If you are from outside the city, you can hunt for souvenirs in the Floating Market Bandung Lembang, such as snacks and a variety of merchandise.
If you want to surround the lake there, enough to pay the rent boat Rp 1,000 you can enjoy the thrill of crossing the lake water.
There is a thing that is not less unique Floating Market in this, that you need to exchange money with coins if you want to shop there. Money that can be exchanged is the fractional Rp 5 thousand and multiples thereof. Of course you can still be cashed back if there are remnants.
Although it tends to accentuate the concept of back to nature, but at the Floating Market Lembang You can also enjoy modern food dish is typical overseas. You can find it in a special area called Rockpool.
At Rockpool, you can order special menus, call it like Pizza, Steak and Pasta. In this area, you can see a miniature railway garden complete with beautiful natural scenery presented in 1:24 scale.
Not only that, you also can enjoy the thrill of the game Flying Fox, ATV, or rent a boat duck to get around and enjoy the beautiful views of Lake Siti Umar.
Floating Market in Lembang
A number of hotels in the region Lembang Floating Market are popular among connoisseurs of the trip, including the Grand Hotel Lembang, Lembang Pesona Bamboe Hotel, or Hotel Bumi Makmur Indah Lembang. In addition, there are a variety of villas that you can rent with varying prices.
You can search for hotel or inn near Floating Market Lembang online to ensure room availability. One of the online booking is a popular AGODA.
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