Monday 6 February 2017

Travel Guides in China Essential

Tourism in China is an exciting indeed, because the country is currently experiencing tremendous advances rapidly in many aspects of growth. However, you should be aware of a few things while on a sightseeing trip in China, particularly relating to fraud and extortion.Places of tourist interest in China will certainly make you curious to visit it. Both of trying a variety of culinary tourism in China, enjoy the shopping in China, even taking photos in around the Forbidden City. Or, you might be interested in searching for places in the history of China, including the Great Wall of China visited the legendary. Well, in tourist activities in China, you should read the tips below to avoid the possibility of bad and anticipate things that are not pleasant for there.Any tips on travel in China that you should know? 
Consider the following tips: 
1. Beware of the price of food in restaurants
 It is important for you for enjoying a culinary tour in China. Or, maybe you're hungry and want to eat then you should always ask the waiter to write down the price of food in the paper that you make reservations. Request that a paper copy of the booking as well as the price of food is placed on your table. Otherwise, you may find that the price of the food that you initially see lower, when paying at the checkout price has increased many-fold. It should look out for in a number of places to eat when you are traveling there. 
2. Beware of the taxi drivers in China 
The most important part is wary of horses that may be used metered taxis are concerned. There are plenty of taxis in China, and not a few of the taxi driver is a driver shoot. Things like this is a trap that can drain your pocket if you are not aware. If you want a taxi, as far as possible you have to collect information about rates for a service that you want to cover. If possible, it is better you ride public transportation only. 
3. Beware of tour guide in China 
There are many unscrupulous tour guides in China cheating when doing his job. You may have booked a tour guide for the purpose of a particular tourist spot. However, you should be aware that they may also tour guides will take you to places you do not want to after visiting the place you specify at the beginning. These people will usually will take you to the center of souvenirs and leads you to buy souvenirs sold there. As much as possible, you do not need to use the services of a local tour guide. It would be better if you have a friend or acquaintance who drove you to enjoy a variety of tourist attractions in China. 
4. Shopping in China do not provide discounts for you 
Try to bargain the price of goods sold in China, most likely you will fail to get a cheap price. Therefore, the price sold to foreign tourists in China is always higher than the actual price.


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