Coban Rondo waterfall is one of the waterfalls are very popular among domestic and foreign tourists. This waterfall is located in Pandesari, District Punjong, Malang, East Java Province.
Based on the legend surrounding communities, that the origin of Coban Rondo Waterfall originates from a romance newlyweds named Dewi Anjarwati derived from Gunung Kawi and Raden Baron Kusuma from Mount Anjasmoro. The age of marriage is to Selapan (36 days), Dewi Anjarwati invited him to visit his in-laws in Mount Anjasmoro. However, based on Java that indigenous people are still age Selapan penganti not allowed to leave the house too much. Therefore, they are forbidden to go to Mount Anjarwati by parents of Raden Baron.

However, they insist will visit Mount Anjasmoro with all the risks that exist. On the way suddenly appeared Joko Lelono which turned captivated by the beauty of the Goddess Anjarwati. Finally Raden Baron ordered his men to hide Goddess Anjarwati to a location where there is Niagara (in the Java language called Coban). Raden Baron and Joko Lelono great bertempyr until both of them fall. As a result of the death of her husband Dewi Anjarwati, then the status changes to Janda (in Javanese Rondo). Since then, the waterfall is called waterfall Coban Rondo.

84-meter high waterfall is derived from springs Cemoro Dudo. Coban Rondo waterfall was opened to the public since 1980. Panorama classic tejun water wrapped with natural beauty and enhanced with mountain air is still very natural is indeed a remarkable mangnet for tourists. many domestic and foreign tourists come to the location of this attraction. Especially during the holidays, visitors will experience a surge.
However, please note that there are some rules that must be obeyed by tourists when visiting this location, which is prohibited from bathing or being under a waterfall and when heavy rain fell so visitors are required to leave the tourist sites. For fear of flooding or landslides will occur.
Besides being able to enjoy the beauty and exotic waterfall Coban Rondo, around this location there are also some games that you can choose, among others: Fun Tubing at a cost of Rp 35,000 / person. Paint ball with a package of 3 on 3 (6 people) with 150 bullets fee of Rp 450,000, - and a package of 3 on 3 (6 person) with 300 bullets fee of Rp 750.000, -. Target shooting at a cost of Rp 10,000 / 10 bullets.
Still in the vicinity of Coban Rondo waterfall tour, there are other attractions that tourists can kunjunggi the Animal and Gardens tour. The location of these animals and garden you can see various animals and a few choices of games. Rides in this area, including: Maze (Rp 7.500, -), Mountain Biking (USD 5,000), Equestrian (Rp 12.000, -), Railway Rabbits (Rp 5.000, -), etc. For tourists who come to the party can choose a package tour options ranging from picking apples, friends breeders, outbound kid / care, outbound outbound students up to 3 days. Obviously the price of each of these activities varied from start to Rp 25,000, - to Rp 1,000,000, - per person.
For tourists who want to buy souvenirs or gifts for loved ones, in the area of this location there are also several shops or stores that sell souvenirs or souvenirs Batu and waterfall Coban Rondo. In addition to the souvenir shop terdaat, at this location is also lined stalls selling snacks and warm drinks. In addition to snacks and drinks, there are also several stalls selling roasted corn which can certainly warm and filling. The corn is still relatively easy to become very soft and sweet. The price of a portion of corn at $ 4.000, -.
For tourists who want mengunjunggi location of these places can use a private vehicle or use public transport or use a motor vehicle rental services or even motorcycles. The price of each vehicle is different, for those who rent motor vehicles can rent a two-wheeled motor vehicle with a fee ranging from Rp 35,000 to Rp 50,000. Those who want to use the services of transport can use the two public transport bus at a cost of Rp 5,000 - Rp 10,000 to all the way up to the main road leading to Air Terju Coban Rondo.
Those who want to use the services of a motorcycle taxi to reach the location of these attractions must spend Rp 10.000, - for a one-way from the main road Waterfall Coban Rondo to the tourist sites. Ditempuhpun journey relatively quickly when tourists from Malang it takes about 45-60 minutes away. Meanwhile, for those who already are in the Batu can travel for approximately 10-30 minutes away. Access to the site was already very good, which is already paved.
Coban Rondo Waterfall costs are: for local tourists Rp 8,000, - and foreign tourists Rp 10.000, -. For two-wheeled vehicles is Rp 2,000, Rp 4,000 and a four-wheel wheel six Rp 6,000. The cost does not include parking fees, parking fees alone for Rp 2,000 (two-wheeled), Rp 4,000 (four-wheel) and 6,000 (six wheels). From the entrance or the levy to the tourist sites is approximately 2 km, with winding streets and up and down. From the parking lot to the waterfall Coban Rondo, you have to walk as far as approximately 50 meters.
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