Ranu Kumbolo is a beautiful lake that has spectacular views and the exotic lake on Mount Semeru, East Java, Indonesia. On the slopes of Mount Semeru, which is the active volcano that lies at an altitude of 3,676 meters above sea level. Ranu Kumbolo is a lake in Mahameru which has a very exotic lake located at an altitude of 2400 mask with an area of approximately 14 hectares take possession of very captivating charm, anyone who ever want to come here would have been returned to the lake Ranu Kumbolo, nothing wrong if the lake is called the paradise of Semeru. The Whispering Savannah, you'll find yourself like in the middle of nowhere while enjoying all of the greeneries. It requires more struggle, and it is not a light trip if you want to enjoy the beauty of this lake, because the travel distance is 9.5 km length to the field and that is also not smooth to be defeated by foot for about 4 hours. As long as you do this trip, you will be presented with the chasms that seemed horrified but it gives a certain thrill for him. Do not forget if there are 3 posts every 1-2 hours of rest on your path. After passing the last outpost and hike about a half hour, if you are lucky because the view not shrouded in fog, Ranu Kumbolo can be seen!

Ranu which means lake and Kumbolo means gather, the lake for a place to gather. This can be seen that in Ranu Kumbolo used as a gathering place for hikers to rest or spend the night before continuing the climb to the summit of Mount Semeru or Mahameru. In the western part of the lake, there is a towering hill. This hill is part of the ascent route to the summit, the slope of not less than 45 degrees and a slight uphill route but long. There are interesting here, In front of the kumbolo lake, there is a 45 degree ramp, and it has a nickname "Rise of Love" . It takes extra energy to get through this hill without stopping especially while lifting heavy burden we carry, when you reach the end of the ascent of love we feel the tiredness disappear because the silent beauty of Ranu Kumbolo fog shrouded in the distance will spoil up your spirit.
On the next trip after the rise of love ramp , you will spoiled by green savanna with 100 ha size called as Oro-oro Ombo , with slope overgrown by pine trees, surrounded by hills and mountain with an amazing scenery. Behind Gunung Kepolo, the spouting smoke and summit of Mt Semeru is visible. For those who like to travel a challenging tour, panoramic sights (Lake) Ranu Kumbolo is one of the outstanding option. You should also bring thick clothes and supplies adequate food supplies because the air temperature is very cold there.

Ranu Kumbolo, the heaven on earth, perhaps you would never miss this exotic lake, because Ranu Kumbolo Lake is amazing from every side, particularly from Tanjakan Cinta. It is gorgeous savanna with very tidy green-yellowish grass all around. The Lake looks like it’s been regularly gardening by the Mother Nature. The lake has a turquoise view with very abundant fresh water. No one allowed swimming in the lake, even peeing or throwing dirty & un-hygiene stuff into the Lake. In some distinctive occasions, it is a beloved place for pre-wedding photo session. The place is perfectly romantic for honey moon.

Image: Tanjakan Cinta

Image: Sunrise in Ranu Kumbolo

Image: Ranu Kumbolo on Night
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