Anyer in Banten beach has white sand and calm waves. In such conditions, the beach is famous as a tourist Anyer in Banten are always crowded with travelers.
Along with family and kids, you can berendang on the beach, play sand-sandy, snorkeling, diving, jetski, play banana boat, a leisurely stroll along the beach, or even just relaxing at the beach area while chatting with family , Also, you may be camping or camping in this area. An exciting experience beach tourism of course!
Tourist attractions Anyer beach is actually composed of a number of beaches. Because the beaches are located in the District of Anyer, then known as Anyer beach. If you arrive in Anyer, you will know that the beaches of Anyer that has the name of each. To be sure, the entire beach is located in the same shoreline.
1. Sambolo Beach, Anyer
If you want to look for water sports, such as swimming and surfing, then this Anyer beach destination that is right for you. One in Anyer beach is a tourist destination in Banten is right for you who want to spend a beach resort with playing and swimming with the kids.

Sambolo beaches have white sand stretching to the beautiful, the beach in Anyer has been equipped with a variety of public facilities were good. In addition to playing and swimming, enjoy a dish of dishes which are sold at the seashore is also the most interesting way to enjoy sightseeing in this Anyer beach area. The Sambolo beach, you can enjoy a beautiful beach panorama.
2. Beach Marbella, Anyer
Located right next to the beach Sambolo, live along the coastline then you will find this beach. This Anyer beach in Marbella is named as the beach as it is located right in front of the Hotel Marbella, a 5 star hotel located directly on the waterfront.

On the coast of Marbella, you can find a relatively clean state beaches, there are many saung at the seashore. One of the destinations in Anyer beach is an interesting place to visit when the holiday or the turn of a new year.
3. Cibeureum Beach, Anyer
Here, you can enjoy the cool air Cibeureum coast. This coastal area is the perfect place to relax in between the palm trees that grow a lot in Anyer beach locations this one.

Cibeureum in Anyer beach is a beach that is well maintained by the local community, become a pride of the local population and is also a source of income that benefits the community. Unlike the other beaches, on the beach Cibeureum you can feel the atmosphere of a typical beach. Eating foods that are sold by the locals in this coastal area is one of the best ways to enjoy travel in Cibeureum coast.
4. Beach Marina, Anyer
The Marina beach offers water games and water sports if that's what you want. On this beach, a selection of sports and games more water than those in Sambolo Beach.
In the area of Anyer beach this one, there are many accommodation facilities that support, such as villas and charming ressort. Marina Beach has a full range of public facilities, a beach that will ensure the comfort of your tour.
5. White Sand Beach Florida, Anyer
Well, if you want to enjoy the beauty of the sunset at Anyer Beach, then this is the place to visit in your Anyer beach tourism.

Log in here enough to pay the entrance fee of Rp 10,000 and you can enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery. If you prefer, you can also play around on the beach or even play volleyball with friends.
This beach has sand that is wider than the other beaches in Anyer. Therefore, the White Sand Beach Florida has become one of the tourist destinations most popular Anyer Banten.
6. Guava Beach - Anyer Banten
From a beach in Anyer, this beach bed of sand whiter and smoother. Would not you be interested to visit it? The beach is still in original condition, so natural, therefore, has a beautiful panoramic beauty. Anyer beach in this one is worth a trip to visit the beach resort of Anyer.
From the direction toward Carita Anyer, this beach is located about 15 minutes after Karang Bolong Beach. Of course you'll have no trouble in order to arrive at this alluring beaches.
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