Ujung Kulon presenting tourist destination travel experience is unique and different. Attractions Banten this one like isolated from the hectic city life congested. Since 1992, the Ujung Kulon National Park has been declared a World Heritage (World Heritage) by UNESCO. Here is where the conservation of rhinoceros species, endangered animals protected by the state.
Ujung Kulon National Parks administratively into the two districts, the District Cimanggu and District wells. Both districts are part of the district of Pandeglang, Banten. In Banten, the other favorite tourist destinations among which are Anyer Beach, Carita Beach and Pulau Umang.
Natural state so pure you can find in the tourist area of Ujung Kulon. The only source of power there is only Peucang Island. This is because you will have difficulty using electronic devices in the region, including the means of communication.

Ujung Kulon National Park offers a unique natural charm rarely found in other places. Various uniqueness and natural beauty can be found, ranging from waterfalls, rivers, white sandy beaches, marine parks, to the hot springs.
No less than that, the flora and fauna are able to provide an attractive tourist experience. You can watch the fish Glodok is able to climb the roots of mangrove trees or fish chopsticks that can spray water up to one meter above the water surface. As a protected area, of course you should comply with the applicable aturanyang in this tourist area Ujung Kulon. Some of them, for example, you are forbidden to bring seeds, chemicals, firearms, as well as pets. It also includes a ban on catching and hunting animals or cutting down trees.
Travel address Ujung Kulon: Ujung Kulon National Park, Pandeglang, Banten | Tel. (0253) 801731
GPS Coordinates: -6.784694,105.375109
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