The beauty of the tourist attractions in North Sumatra stretches of enthralling panorama of Lake Toba to the forest in Bukit Lawang into a group of orang-utan habitat in North Sumatra. In addition, the famous society culture in North Sumatra Batak tribe is so unique to the preservation of cultural heritage and traditions of the ancestors of modern times. The Batak culture and traditions can you meet on a number of traditional village and show the face of the true native of North Sumatra.
Medan city as the capital of the province of North Sumatra is the largest metropolitan city 3rd in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya, with the composition of the community that is so heterogeneous and plural in various races, religions, and races. You can find the villages of India in Medan which is inhabited by the majority of India.
Throughout the year 2013, statistics of foreign tourist visits to various tourist attractions of North Sumatra amounted to 225 thousand people with the highest composition originate from Malaysia, Singapore, and Europe.
With a population of 12 million people, the population in North Sumatra is divided into five major ethnic groups and languages, namely the Malay people living along the coastal waterway, the Batak, Angkola or Mandailaing of southern Tapanuli and Nias islands off the west coast. Some other ethnic groups also live in Medan and other cities in North Sumatra, the largest ethnic Chinese and Indians.
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