Travel Park is a tourist spot in Manado most popular. The number of tourist visits to the Bunaken Manado shows an upward trend year after year. Statistical data recorded at the end of August 2012, the number of tourists visiting Bunaken reached 21 889 7850 from within the country and from abroad. On average, sights Bunaken in Manado visited more than 35 thousand people every year.
The beauty of the coral reefs and underwater paradise in Bunaken Manado is the comparative advantage of the most alluring of a number of diving spots in the world. Travel Manado Bunaken is one of the best in Indonesia, in addition to Raja Ampat Papua and Pulau Weh, Sabang.
Bunaken Marine Park is located in the Bay of Manado, geographically located in north Sulawesi. Together with Siladen and Pulau Mantehage, Bunaken Marine Park to form a National Park Bunaken Manado Indonesian government has unveiled a few years ago.
Charm Bunaken Marine Park
Coral reefs in the underwater world of Bunaken is an important part of the strength of Bunaken travel. Coral reefs have a place to live 2,000 species of fish and a variety of marine life. Common fish species are wrase, dansel, trigger, sweetlip, unicorns, and so on. The unique character Bunaken Marine Park is the depth of the sea that reach up to 1000 m.
On the sea, you can see various kinds of large fish, there are tuna, marlin, shark hammer head, rays, screen, tuna, barracuda, dolphin, until the pope. If you are lucky, you can even see the fish species that are rare and endangered species, such as dugongs, turtles, and coelacanths (the coelacanth).
Characteristics of the underwater world in the Park is the Underwater Great Walls, also called the hanging walls, which means giant rock walls that stand vertically and curved upward as high as 25-50 m. The rock walls adalag source of food for fish in the Gulf region Manado.

Snorkel and Diving in Bunaken
There is plenty of snorkel equipment rental and diving at Bunaken, prices ranging from Rp 150 thousand per person per day. On average, the price of rental tool has been fixed and the same applies in many rental places in Bunaken. As an illustration, with Rp 150 thousand you will get peralaan snorkel like a mask, flippers and a wetsuit.
To take pictures underwater, you can also pay Rp 350 thousand. To get the snorkel guide, you will be charged a fee equal to the cost of renting snorkel equipment. If you've never been or have not been accustomed to diving (diving), then the guide will be ready to teach you the techniques of diving.
Other akitivitas Tourism Bunaken
Actually, just by walking around the beach in the Park alone has become an interesting experience. Therefore, the tourist attractions in Manado is indeed a beautiful beach panorama. Greenish sea water, natural scenery around the sea in Bunaken will leave a strong impression for you. If you like to walk across the sea Bunaken, then you can climb the catamaran, which is a glass vessel leased off the coast of Bunaken Island.
The glass-walled catamarans, so you can enjoy the underwater beauty of Bunaken. Besides catamaran, there is also a submarine Blue Banter which will only operate during high tides. Of course, you have to spend quite a lot to be able to take the experience of marine tourism. However, the pleasure will be commensurate with the cost! Such tourist activities can also meet at tourist attractions in Manado Siladen Island.
Admission Tourism Bunaken
To be able to get into the tourist area of Bunaken Marine Park, you have to have passes and tickets can be obtained Bunaken in Manado or also directly in Bunaken National Park. The admission price is $ 2 travel Bunaken thousand per person per day for the tourists in the country. As for foreign tourists, Bunaken admission price is Rp 50 thousand per person per day or can be directly purchased for one year at Rp 150 thousand per year.
Transportation from / to Bunaken Manado
Access to transportation to place Bunaken Manado travel very easy. Sam Ratulangi Airport airport service flights direct from and to foreign countries, such as Singapore, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, and Davao in the Philippines. The passenger terminal at the airport also has supporting facilities of international standard. To reach the city of Manado, you can use a taxi at a cost of Rp 150 thousand to Rp 200 thousand from the airport.
As for how to get to Bunaken Island from the city of Manado, there are two options set out, namely from the Market Bersehati or from Marina. Market rental rate ship of Bersehati to Bunaken around Rp 300-400 thousand. Rates will be more expensive if you depart from the Marina, which ranges from Rp 600-800 thousand. Alternatively, you can use traditional boats at a cost of only Rp 50 thousand per person. From the port of Manado to Bunaken Island will take about 30 minutes.
If you want directly to the dive sites in Bunaken Island, it will take about 20 minutes. If you depart from the Marina, you will be boarding a cruise, and this is the reason why the cost is greater, and traveled for 10-15 minutes to be able to Bunaken Island.
Lodging and Hotel in Bunaken
Of course you might be interested in looking for hotels or cheap hotels in Bunaken. However, you can actually choose to stay in town or in the Bunaken Manado. If the selection in the city of Manado, there will be plenty of lodging options, ranging from budget hotels cost Rp 100 thousand per night up to a five-star hotel at the rate of millions of dollars per night.
If you want to stay in Bunaken Island, you can take a cottage or a house that is widely available along the beach there. Cottage rental prices vary, depending on the distance of the cottage to the site of the marine park. The closer the location of the cottage with sea garden, the more expensive the rent.
Typically, the rental price is calculated per person in there. On average the cost of rental cottages in the Park is around Rp 150 thousand to 350 thousand per person per night. The price includes 3 meals a day with the dominant seafood menu.
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