Anyer beach resort famous for the beauty of white sandy beaches. Anyer Beach Banten attractions this is one recommendation attractions for families, especially if you are the dwellers of Jakarta who want to go on vacation. Not only Anyer beach alone, visitors who traveled in Banten can also enjoy Banten Carita Beach.
Anyer beach is located in the district of Anyer, Serang. Meanwhile, the beach is located in District Carita Carita, Pandeglang. If you depart from Jakarta, the tourist sites more accessible is a tourist spot near Anyer beach than Carita beach.
Attractions Carita beach is a bit further because geographically, Carita beach directly facing the Sunda Strait. However, this is not a significant problem because the distance between Anyer and Carita close enough to be reached. Especially if you take your own vehicle, both the motor and four wheels.
If your vacation time enough, then the choice of Anyer and Carita beach tour can be taken all at once. It will be very interesting, especially you who are fond of the sea and the panoramic beauty of the sea itself. Anyer Beach Banten location at a distance of approximately 160 km from Jakarta and takes about 2-2.5 hours drive to get there.

If you use a private car to go to the beach in Anyer Banten travel, then you can choose through Cilegon or through Pandeglang. Itineraries to Anyer faster is through Cilegon. Bring your car out at the toll booth West Cilegon, and will meet the road forked, the direction or directions Anyer Merak. Choose the direction of Anyer and will pass straight road to arrive at the destination. If your goal is Carita Beach, then exit at the toll Serang and then drove the car in the direction of Carita.
To be able to get into the beach area of Anyer in Banten this, you have to pay admission Anyer Beach. For large buses 500 thousand, 250 thousand small bus, car / sedan 50 thousand, 15 thousand motorcycles. Everyone involved, including children, will also be charged an entrance fee of 5 thousand. Do not worry, this Anyer beach resort is open every day for 24 hours.
One of the charms Anyer beach is a view of Mount Krakatau, you can clearly see the mountain from Anyer beach. And of course, a beautiful beach panorama with the characteristics of white sand beaches and cool air are the hallmarks of this beach resort in Anyer.
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